
snowy day

We’re home on a Sunday with no plans. This was just as well because it’s been snowing since this morning and apparently the temperature is dropping too, down to a low of 4 degrees. I had planned on going to the library this afternoon, but we couldn’t find the 9th of 9 books to be returned and E didn’t want to go and I’m still in my pajamas. Plus the weather. So.

We had a lazy morning. Rando YouTube videos in bed (E’s latest hot topics are eagles, volcanoes, and the blood moon), breakfast, built a tower, books on the couch, made banana bread together while the baby slept in the Ergo. Then we Facetimed with Mimi,  E made his own quesadilla, and we had warm, slightly crunchy banana bread with glasses of milk.

Baby C goes from sleepy to hungry to increasingly focused wake time. She is very quick at replacing her crusty eye after I clean it. She’s usually ready to smile if I engage her.

We just decided not to go out (phew). We have to schlep in the car every day of the week so might as well have a break. I feel like E is kind of missing out on snowy play time because I just don’t want to be standing out in the freezing cold with the baby. That’s reasonable, right? We did go to the playground yesterday because the temp climbed up to 38 degrees…but the wind chill is the wild card. It was super freezing. We lasted a little over 20 minutes (and there was no snow yesterday). Plus the logistics were a crazy: park, take off my coat (brr), put on the Ergo, put the baby in the Ergo, put my coat back on, wrap a blanket around the baby, then (somehow) undo E’s carseat (why didn’t I do that first), move the baby’s carseat to the front seat so he could get out, lock the car, put my mittens back on. Then all of this in reverse to get back in…)

Just before I sat down to write, E asked to watch more videos. I told him sure but he has to do three things first: put the books on the living room floor back on the shelf, put away the letter blocks from the tower we built, and organize his stickers which are all over the dining room table. Nothing could divert him faster from either watching a video or cleaning up. He has 100% moved on from that conversation and immediately got engrossed in some books in the living room. Now he’s back, trying to climb onto my lap, which is pretty limited because I’m wearing the baby in the Ergo and swaying from side to side. He says his leg itches. He says he’s tired (why don’t you lay down?). He’s now precariously balancing on my knee.

He wants to spell his name here because if I’m working on a laptop then clearly all he wants in the world, even more than videos, is to work on my laptop. “I don’t want to do something else!”

“OK, mama: when you’re done writing, I’m going to write my name on your computer, and then we’ll clean the house.”

Yeah, OK kiddo. Now he’s climbing on my back. Baby sleeps peacefully. My middle back hurts. I’m sure we’ll be watching a movie today.

E wants me to add the word “T-Rex.”

