
7 thoughts on “Contact”

  1. Hi Kertie! Just catching up a bit on your blog. Looks/sounds like all is going well. Hooray! Saw that you were in NYC for a bit, but I’m sure it was a whirlwind. But if you come back before les bebes, let’s try to get together. Things will be so difficult apres. More soon! xox, Lern

  2. Katie,
    I just read your birth story, forwarded to me by Maria Iorillo. Thank you for sharing it with all of us. I thought you might be amused to hear my story (the brief version; I never started a blog, but I’m glad you did!) I had my first son at age 32, as a solo mama. Two years later, I had a second son — still being a single mama. Two years after that, I met my now husband, who also had 2 sons. Fast forward 5 years, and I’m sitting in my dining room, a few days over my due date, waiting on our 5th son to make his appearance, hopefully at home, with Maria.
    I wish you so much joy in your journey. I hope to meet you at a parent’s circle, one day soon!

  3. Dear K,

    I’m a friend of LG, and she sent me the link to your incredible blog. I spent much of the last few days reading every entry, moved and in awe of you! I am at the beginning of the process of trying to become a single mother by choice and your blog has been an invaluable source of hope and encouragement for me.

    I realize that we met and L and N’s wedding several years ago — on the train ride up to the ceremony — and I now feel as though I know you so well! You are an amazing and inspirational woman and I know that this blog will continue to help me through my own journey.

    Congratulations — your son is so blessed to have you as his mom!

    All the best,

  4. Hi K, I love your blog. It was forwarded to me by our common friend Ester. I will in SF next week, want to meet to exchange about our little babies?!Birthe

  5. Hi the solo mama project Team,

    My name is Anuj Agarwal. I’m Founder of Feedspot.

    I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog the solo mama project has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 100 Single Mom Blogs on the web.

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    Also, you have the honor of displaying the badge on your blog.


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